December 2014
December 2014
Ciné Brique 2014
At the "Fans de Briques LEGO" exhibition two weeks ago, there was a brickfilm festival, "Ciné Briques". In the days prior to the festival, the public could rate the entries to the festival, and the top 10 has been screened in the theater Gaumont – Talence Universités. A jury composed of AFOLs and professionals has then chosen to reward my brickfilm "Indus" with the Golden Brick !
This Ciné Brique festival is paired with the canadian Ciné Briques, created by Marc-André Caron, in which Indus won the 9th place, and a Special Distinction: Silent Movie.
My next brickfilm should be out shortly, and will enter the brack.com/brickstars/>Brickstars 2014</lien> on Brick à Brack.